Monday, 22 August 2011

all about size

looks like my sMap will end up with a size about 50k (after g-ziped). Oh god what should I do to make it smaller?
Some cool features of gwt:
in this way I can load jts only when it is needed.

Maybe 50k is acceptable. not too bad. let's keep working on it.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Switched to Fedora 15 - flash player

cp /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins
cp /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib64/chromium-browser/plugins/

Today I tried to make Network Manager forget a connection, then found a very strange behavior:
in the setting panel you can see there is a options button. But it is grayed out until it connects to some network.So first you have to connect to some network to make change!(really don't get it). After that, unfortunately you still won't find the setting you need. now here is the trick: double click it! yes you heard it right, double click the button and you will get 2 different windows popup so you can do some real configuration. Don't know if it's a bug or some wired inventions.

quality of life

met Chris Holmes today who came to Melbourne and gave our java team a interesting presentation. He was lead developer of GeoServer from 2002, and is OpenGeo President today.A really cool guy and very easygoing.

That makes me think about my 11 years IT career. What have I done in these years? what are the most important things in the technical and business world? How to survive in this industry and try to do something remarkable?

I feel confident giving time I can create something like geonode, but I don't have a sponsor. And to be honest, in my team, most don't have talent, lot are not committed, and some just prefer talking. Everyone has his surviving skill.  I should not just rely on my technical skills which is easiest to me. I need a PLAN.

I need to work hard to change my future. One day I will work with talented people that I really respect from my heart, and make something which can be remembered.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Switched to Fedora 15 - install eclipse indigo properly

get eclipse, choose the Linux version:

open terminal:

tar -xvzf [the downloaded file] -C /opt
chmod -R +r /opt/eclipse
touch /usr/bin/eclipse
chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse
nano -w /usr/bin/eclipse 
add following content
export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*

now you are nearly there,

nano /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
Add following content to file and save
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse SDK 3.7

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Jts and Smap

Now I have jts works in smap, however there are excitement and disappointment.
 "POLYGON ((145.0 -37.81, 144.95 -37.8, 144.90 -37.77, 145.0 -37.81)), now I can get:

It looks good , however the javascript size has increased. Chrome told me that now the js size is about 120k. So if I keep using JTS as my base geometry implementation , SMap lib probably will end up with around 150k with all features I planned. it's not too bad for a normal web application but I would try to do better. It will be ideal if I can control the core size to be less than 50k.

Planning to switch back and make JTS as an optional extension. Though Gwt is powerful but I should always leave complex spatial calculation on server side if possible. I believe Gwt is smart - it should only compile class which is directly used. If that's true, I need to keep the 'domain model' thin and keep rich functions to separated classes. In that way, by reduce dependency the unused classes won't be compiled and included in the build. A lib smaller than 10 k will be super cool, that is still my goal. Guess I need to do re factor before moving forward. Yes I need be very careful about dependency.

got JTS works in GWT

JTS is a powerful tools  by Martin Davis.  I am so impressed by the brilliant design, solid implementation and  so many fantastic features. So I decided to use JTS as the foundation of vector function in SMap.

First I need to make it work in GWT. because Gwt doesn't support all java classes and functions, so some work has to be done.

So far so good, and here is the progress.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

All about maps

      Most of time I work with GIS since joined current company three years ago. Been using the flawless combination of openlayers and geo server for years. I really appreciate their great works, every time I reading the source code I can always lean something about how to design a really rich and extensible product. Recently I am interested in mobility and found the size of openlayers, has become a little bit big.  Because it's so powerful and has so many features, now the full version is close to 1M, which makes it not very friendly to user with mobile device or limited bandwidth.
     A couple of  months ago I started  to wonder, with html5 technology, with the inspiration openlayers gives me and my passion for GIS, could I make my own map rendering implementation?
     And the answer is here: And yes it will support your beloved android phone!